Update on New Proposals for “Superfast” Patents
In a previous article, we reported that the UKIPO has outlined its initial plans for introducing a “superfast” patent application procedure which could see patents being granted in just 90 days. However, the “superfast” service is likely to come at a substantial cost, which is being proposed to be around £3500-£4000.
The results of the consultation on the proposal to introduce superfast patents have now been published: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/response-2013-superfast.pdf. Although some respondents responded positively to the proposals some raised serious concerns, including a higher risk of the UK Intellectual Property Office granting invalid patents. Questions were also raised about the practical usefulness of the idea, given that the UK Intellectual Property Office already offers an accelerated examination procedure for free. The Government has therefore decided not to implement the proposed superfast service, or to make any changes to existing acceleration services.