

European Patent Attorney

European Patent Litigator

Chartered Patent Attorney

Intellectual Property Litigation Certificate


PhD (Imp), Semiconductor growth and characterisation; MPhys (Warw), Physics

Stephen Turner


Stephen is a Chartered and European Patent Attorney and a Design Attorney, with over 15 years’ experience.

Stephen has spent time in academic and industrial research environments, providing an insight into the business and commercial context in which inventions are made and exploited. He has a broad physics background, including experimental physics, surface chemistry and semiconductor fabrication, and his technology specialisms include mechanical devices, manufacturing processes, robotics, high-tech scientific instrumentation and electronics, and medical devices.

He works closely with university research teams, spin-out companies, and established companies, both local and overseas, particularly in Asia. He provides tailored advice in the context of current and future business plans, including filing strategies to maximise impact from IP budgets.

His experience in representing clients in contentious matters in the UK and at the European Patent Office helps Stephen craft robust, commercially valuable patent rights that can withstand attack by a third party. He also advises clients seeking freedom-to-operate, and has success in invalidating third party rights to ensure market access for his clients.

Stephen works across all major jurisdictions, and exploits regional differences to optimise patent protection for his clients. He has spent time working in Japan and regularly visits clients and colleagues in Asia, and speaks on intellectual property issues affecting the UK and the rest of Europe.

Stephen is actively involved with the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys, sitting on the International Liaison Committee and being a Principal Examiner for the Patent Paralegal Course.

2023: "From portfolio strategy to assessing patentability, Stephen Turner offers a comprehensive prosecution service. He ranges widely over technical fields, especially electronic devices for various applications, and he also has a flourishing design offering.”
2022: “Turner serves a sector-diverse clientele and acts as a Principal Examiner for the patent administrators’ course run by the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys. “Stephen’s work with us is excellent. He understands our product in depth in all areas of technology and provides us with strategic advice on drafting strategy.””
2021: “Also on board are poised EPO advocates Paul Roberts and Stephen Turner, who both move in the high-technology field…Turner regularly lectures in Japan on European IP regimes and “has an invaluable ability to grasp technical concepts and get to the core value of an invention quickly.”

IAM Patent 1000

2018: "... Stephen Turner ... are the rising stars to watch.”

IP Stars