

European Patent Attorney

Certificate in Intellectual Property Law


MEng (Imp), Materials Science and Engineering

Ruby Freeman

Patent Attorney

Ruby joined the intellectual property profession in 2019 after completing her master’s in Materials Science and Engineering at Imperial College London.    

In the final two years of her degree, Ruby focused on functional materials and their applications, studying topics including polymers and composites, nanotechnology, electroceramics, and optoelectronics. Her master’s project involved the synthesis and characterisation of transition metal nanostructures for glucose detection and was part of a multinational project aiming to produce a painless diagnostic for pre-diabetes screening in developing countries. She was awarded scholarships from Thermo Fisher and The Worshipful Company of Founders as well as the Sir Arthur Acland Prize for excellence in humanities. 

During her degree, Ruby undertook a work placement as a process development engineer at a company specialising in laser micromachining and inkjet deposition for electronic applications. She also worked with Imperial Outreach for several years, promoting engagement with STEM through activity-based learning.